It has been one full year since the last blog post I composed.
That day was my last Friday at State Farm.
I was headed out of the insurance industry into the Lord's work.
The person I was dating and I were ........what.......engaged? Not exactly. He gave me a ring the following Wednesday after that Friday, but he never asked the question, and it was like....strange.....idk...... Subsequently, he made the decision to get it on with Young and Delicious, his very young and attractive, temporary secretary (I call her Y&D for short). He was sure of the choice he made then, but then he changed his mind (they always do, don't they?) I, on the other hand, wasn't sure about it then but am 110% sure now that it was the best thing to ever happen.......I guess you could say it became Krystal clear........hahaha.
I had no idea what to expect heading into a new job working as the office manager at a church. I wasn't scared, but looking back now I realize I was quite ill-prepared.
One thing I've learned: do not confuse church business and being a christian. The two are totally seperate things. And it is best to keep it that way, really. Someone recently told me that they bet I had the best "quiet time" ritual, after all......I work at a church. That could NOT be any further from the truth. The truth is that I never have a free minute and devotions are crammed into the beginning of a meeting so we can feel good about having had one. I have had to find my spirituality outside of my job.
I do not want to make it sound like church work is of the devil, though some might argue........ha!
I have met some of the most wonderful people and made such good friends. I've even found some old friends, who through course and time have just fallen off my radar. Then, somehow, the church where I work brings them back into my life.
All of this to say: I thought I knew the plan. My life was mapped out. Surely at 18 I knew exactly where I was headed and how I would get there. Right?
Wrong. I have NO idea where I am going or how I will get there. But I don't have to. I am getting better at giving everything up to God. Human nature is flawed and there is no way we can ride the road He had for us. That was ruined a long time ago.
Even though the road is broken, God has blessed it.
"Hindsight's 20/20", don't waste your time. If it is to be, there will be a U-turn for it. If not, leave it behind.
My old blog was broken and irreparable in it's decay. It was time for a new "vehicle" if you will.......
A new blog for a new time in life.
Its Kim (Jones) , going have to follow you:) Like this post. I learned long time ago... Life happens when making plans. The road in life never goes as smoothly or as planned as we want. But I also believe God has a better plan for us, and we just should enjoy the ride!Wishing you the best. :)
ReplyDeleteChurch work is VERY eventful to say the least.
ReplyDeleteGet your little "followers" box up and I will follow you. Come over to my blog and follow me. Then we can keep up with each other.